Ligocki Dental Group

(630) 620-8099

24/7 Emergency Phone

Affordability Options

Affordability Options

1. Prepayment: Cash or Check payment for the entire treatment plan before the date of treatment (for patients that do not have dental insurance)

  • Total Treatment Plan:
  • $500+ → 10% Bookkeeping Courtesy

2. Pay as You Go: Total Bill paid by the time of treatment

  • Cash
  • Check
  • Debit Card
  • Major Credit Card (American Express, Discover, MasterCard, or Visa)

3. Half and Half: Paid by Cash, Check, Debit Card, or Major Credit Card

  • ½ Payment when scheduling Appointment for Treatment
  • ½ Payment at First Appointment for Treatment

4. Extended Payment Options (with our Third Party Financing Partners):

  • CareCredit 0% Financing for 6 months
  • CareCredit with Reduced APR Financing for 24 months, 36 months, 48 months, 60 months

5. VIP Membership Plan

  • A yearly membership ranging in 2-4 professional cleanings a year including 20% off of all recommended dental procedures
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